Saturday, March 23, 2013

Lazy Days and Cravings

I love lazy days like the one I'm having - once in a while.  My most productive part of the day was this morning when I had to get up early to take my son to baseball practice.  While he braved the cold and wind, I stopped at the bagel store and bought a baker's dozen, returned home, found husband and daughter still sleeping, so enjoyed a quiet moment with some coffee, a bagel and the paper.  Then I returned to to pick up said son.  Once back home, I took dog on a long walk.
Since then, however, I have been dozing on the sofa - fading in and out of college basketball games.  Husband is coming and going - still in his PJs.  He sits down to watch, scream, laugh, pat the dog, then gets up again to do something else.  He is a man who can't sit still, so I am used to this.

The problem with lazy days like this is the food cravings that periodically sweep over me (no doubt influenced by all the commercials).  So far, I have managed to ignore them all - opting for more sleep or a tall glass of water - but not sure how much longer I can hold out.

For your enjoyment, here are some of the insane cravings that have plagued me so far:

tall stack of buttery waffles
buffalo wings
hot dogs and hamburgers
an ice cold beer - or two
ice cream sundae
thick slice of pizza
cinnamon roll
chips and salsa
buffalo wings (again)
tater tots - sweet potato preferably

I'd probably be OK if we could continue just loafing around - but we HAVE to make a Costco run today.  Better eat something healthy before we go - no telling what I might throw in our basket otherwise.

Quote of the day:  Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like
                             and let the food fight it out inside.       ~Mark Twain


  1. I had to stop midway through your cravings list since I began having cravings of my own! It sounds as though you are enjoying your lazy day, though.

  2. It certainly does sound like your cravings are being influenced by the commercials that would typically be on during basketball games. I think you might have to actually go get some many times did you see the commercial for Buffalo Wild Wings?? I love lazy days and they are needed once in awhile.

  3. I like your day. I suddenly remembered that there were basketball games on could I have forgotten? I think I will be lazy the rest of the day...and find something tasty to eat. I love your Mark Twain quote. He is one of my favorite! Jackie

  4. That sounds like a great lazy day. I could go for all of those things on your list right about now, too!

  5. I love the list of food cravings. I'm sure the marketing people would be thrilled with them. I'm impressed you held out resisting them. Those are some pretty tasty snacks.

  6. I think we all do that sometimes. Like you, I recognize the danger and usually make a good choice... an apple, some decaf coffee, a piece of my favorite cheese... it really helps when none of the craving items are in the house. No one in my house is ever willing to drive anywhere to satiate a craving. :)

  7. What a wonderful and fun post! Your day sounds like the best kind of day. I'd have a hand full of pretzels with am glass,of wine and be wonderfully satisfied.

  8. I have those cravings when I am home too. That is why I sent my husband to the store---I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to stick to the list. I love the quote---I have never heard of that one.

  9. Impressed with your will-power to resist these cravings. Then again you shouldn't feel guilty if something from the list ends up on your plate. Kind of goes with the lazy day.
