Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bucket List

My writing muscles seem to have seized up today (loved this Jane Yolen quote BTW).  I seem to be at a complete loss for something to write.
So, I am borrowing an idea from a fellow slicer - (thanks Emily)

The start of my bucket list:

•Re-visit France
•Visit Spain, Italy and Hawaii
•Live for awhile in a seaside villa in Italy or Spain
•Try a zip line (despite my fear of heights)
•Live in a large house on a beach
•Train dogs
•Retire...... can't be soon enough - and enjoy endless days of reading
•Write books that are published, read, and enjoyed
•Learn to play the piano or guitar
•Take a riverboat cruise
•Find a church family
•Exercise, exercise, exercise - and get completely toned and muscular
•Get my doctorate degree
•Have coffee or a beer with Robert Redford and Maya Angelou - not at the same time

OK - that's all my tired brain can come up with tonight.

Quote of the day:  Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.
                                                                                                                ~T.S. Eliot


  1. Smiling at your line about having a beet with Redford and Angelou..."not at the same time." Enjoyed reading your bucket list.

  2. This was a beautiful list. It made me smile, and inspired me to dream a little bit bigger.

  3. I am with you on the zip line thing. I would be terrified, but I always loved when playgrounds had that mini-zip line feature. I am sure it would be amazing. Fun list--it is both a cool plan and a cool way to reveal the different sides of you.

  4. Thanks for your bucket list blog. I have yet to make a bucket list but this might just nudge me to doing it. I liked T.S. Eliot's quote...will try to live by it more. Again, thanks...and what a nice blog even if you think your writing muscles were not working.

  5. This is a really good idea for a slice. I'm going to have make a bucket list of my own. Everything on your list sounds just amazing. Wishing I was at a seaside villa in Italy right about now...

  6. I love your post. I have postponed writing my post this entire day because I could not commit to a topic.i have similar items on my dream board so now I will make a bucket list. Thanks for inspiring me.

  7. I want to retire too, is 35 too young?

  8. Not if you can live on your $$. Never, :)

  9. Love that Emily's writing inspired your slice. She is one of my graduate students who is participating in the slice. I too would like to zipline, but also have a fear of heights!

  10. I love your list! Coffee with Robert Redford OR Maya Angelou sounds amazing, let alone both! :) Maybe I will see you in Europe if we both get to live there, ha ha! I'm glad you were inspired, because this was a joy to read! Good luck with your reading!

  11. Not so short list with both thoughtful and fun choices.
