Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My Thumb!

I’ve injured my thumb
I’m not sure just how
It was no doubt something dumb
But it’s painful and….. OW!

            Did I twist it or turn it?
            Did it hit something hard?
            It is sprained or just bruised?
            Is it permanently jarred?

It is swollen and red
It won’t bend all the way
I just shake my head
In chagrin and dismay

            Should I go see a Doc
            for my poor, painful thumb?
            Or continue to soak it
            in salts of Epsom?

Why won’t it get better?
It’s been more than a week.
I think that a nurse
Should just take a peek.

            It’s painful and sore
            It hurts quite a lot
            Can I simply just ice it?
            Or perchance get a shot.

Perhaps it’s arthritis.
Or could it be gout?
No!  I refuse to believe it!
I angrily shout!

            So I continue to soak
            And take a few meds
            And ponder my thumb
            As I crawl into bed.

Yes, I’ve injured my thumb
Not sure what to do.
Some advice I could use
From one or a few!

Quote for the day:                                  Our body is our temple.
                                                            We should, therefore, respect it,
                                                            Understand its importance
                                                            and always return to it:
                                                            it is our refuge.
                                                                      ~Thich Nhat Hanh


  1. What a fun poem! I will have to share that one with my kiddos tomorrow.

  2. What a fun read! I was reminded of Shel Silverstein. Thanks!

  3. Great poem...made me smile..(so sorry when you are in so much pain!) I say give it a few more weeks keep soaking in Epson..great idea..but after a couple of weeks best to give in a seek a professional :-)

  4. I hope your ouchie is better soon. I love the line about soaking in salts of Epsom. This made me laugh and feel sorry for you. Two emotions in one poem, way to go!

  5. This is a fun poem but does illicit some sympathy at the same time. Hope your thumb is better. Nice job! Thanks for sharing! Happy Slicing! :)

  6. That was great. I chuckled several times. Isn't funny how something as small as a sore thumb can be such a big deal.

  7. I love love love your thumb poem! I was just thinking about the thumb and how much you take it for granted...until gets hurt- then you really notice it!
