Saturday, March 1, 2014

Jumping In - Hopefully...

Ahhh Saturday....
I was able to sleep in a bit, arose to enjoy my coffee and newspaper, whip up a quick egg for my son, check email....
But this weekend is FULL - so I best get on this post now or it might not happen.
I have looked forward to this day for the past month - February was a LONG 28 days for me.  I couldn't wait to reconnect with my writing life and with my fellow SOLC slicers.
But, now that the day has arrived... I found I faced it with a bit of trepidation.  Why?
I'll admit to opening up today's post to scroll through the comments.  As always - I felt behind the game right away when I saw 122 posts already there.  How do people do this??  I cannot write first thing in the morning.  I have let my thoughts stew for awhile before committing them.
So I quickly scrolled down to see just WHO was here with me....  lots of new names.  That's exciting.  But I was honestly looking for a few former slicers with whom I have connected - thankfully there they were - towards the bottom of the list - Terje  and Elsie.  Immediately I felt comforted.  Old friends.
So - I fill my cup one last time and sit down to my blog.
This may not be the most thought out post, but there is a filthy (honestly) house to clean (or at least swipe at) and 27 progress reports to complete, plus homework to help with.
So - I jump in - with hope...

I hope to connect with many new slicers and make new writing alliances
I hope to re-connect with my fellow slicers from earlier years - this is Year 3 for me
I hope to be able to refine my writing
I hope to learn
I hope to explore more poetry
I hope find the time to enjoy and respond to other SOL posts
I hope to finally find the courage to share my writing life with others in my family

Glad to be back among friends... off we go

Quote for the day:  Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never all.   ~Emily Dickinson


  1. This is my first challenge and hope for many of the same things as you. With it being Saturday, I have had a bit more time to dedicate to reading and commenting, but I do worry when Monday rolls around! Good luck and I look forward to learning more about you as the month goes on.

  2. So glad to see you Julie! You can do it, you've done it before and you will do it again. I was disappointed when you dropped out of Tuesdays, but maybe this year you could try it again. Here's a hint, I get my slice ready the night before, I won't go to bed until it's written. If something happens in the day, it gets written that night. It's the only way I can stay sane. Welcome back, I like the new background.

  3. Welcome back. I smiled when I saw your blog becoming active on my bloglovin feed after the long pause. I hope that you will enjoy this month filed with writing. Elsie is way more organized than I am. I write in the mornings only on the weekends. On other days I often get my slice done before my eyes close of tiredness. I have understood that I will never be able to comment as much as I wish. I am so glad that you are keeping the tradition of adding quotes to your slices. Happy writing!
