Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Twenty Things

Twenty things to which I would always say "Yes"...

1.  Summer
2.  An ice cream cone, coffee chip ice cream
3.  A good book, cozy chair, warm blanket, roaring fire, glass of wine (I consider this ONE
4.  A hug and kiss
5.  A trip to Paris - or Italy - or Spain - or...
6.  New shoes
7.  Financial freedom
8.  A puppy
9.  A summer baseball game
10.  A new journal
11.  A warm cup of coffee
12.  Poetry - writing it, reading it, sharing it
13.  A best friend
14.  A house overlooking the beach
15.  Freedom
16.  A bunch of fresh tulips
17.  Kindness, compassion, empathy (again, ONE thing)
18.  A prime rib, baked potato, salad dinner
19.  Music - all kinds ( well, maybe not Rap so much)
20.  Good health

...to be continued, I'm sure.

Quote of the day:  “Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.”
                                                           ~Pearl S. Buck


  1. Love this idea and I may just have to steal one day this month! My favorite is #14 - I will say yes to the beach any day!

  2. Wouldn't we all like the financial freedom! That one is a big pipe dream. I would love a puppy, but when I think of the work involved, I have to say no. I think that's the only thing on your list that I would pass on.

  3. What a wonderful way to look at things. I like the YES in it.

  4. Nice! I think 1, 2, and 14 sounds pretty great right about now [she says as the snow and sleet fall outside]. I think this post may have inspired one for me! Thanks!

  5. Oh, yes to all of those. I especially like #3. I think I will model this for my students as well:-)

  6. Oh, yes to all of those. I especially like #3. I think I will model this for my students as well:-)

  7. We sound a lot alike. I could say yes to many of these... from financial freedom to tulips to a European vacation!
